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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Heart = Broken

 5 - Minute Prompt:

    People handle breakups in all kinds of ways, from endless ranting and raving, to lying around depressed. What about you - how did you cope after a breakup? Write your yourself a letter offering thoughts and advice on how to deal with the post-breakup blues.

Dear Younger Me:

    I am sorry to have to write this letter to you. No one should have to go through the amount of painful breakups that you have. Your personality does not handle these very well. The childhood that you had did nothing for your ability to handle people leaving you. Your first and major breakup will come later in your life. This is the one that got away. 
    Just remember that your education leads you to where you are now. Drowning yourself in your work/education/studying has always been your escape. It is going to take you a long time to get through this one. My advise to you is to make sure that you learn change, versus trying to change someone else. The last few breakup's in your life occur at strange times. This was something that you did not expect to happen, but it did. The very last one crushes you. Takes your sole, heart, mind, and body and turns it into a solid black piece of unbreakable metal. My advise to you on this one is just don't do it. In the end, it is not worth it. In this case, not even forcing yourself to do something else helps. 
    Final note, if you have avoided the disasters that I have, you are smarter than you even give yourself credit for. Regardless of what happens... go through with your dreams. Do not settle on anything less than what you want. Do not put yourself in a financial situation that you can not afford, especially when you never end up doing anything with it. Do not ever turn out like him. It does not help your life at all. It only makes things worse. Take care of yourself. Your heart matters too. 

Momma Bear

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