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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Writers Want to Write pt.2

 Writers Want to Write pt.2

It occurred to me last night, while I was trying to sleep... (that is when the magic happens for writers) that I could make this post a blahh blahh complain... but the funny thing is... I am already on the road to gaining my experience in writing. The freelance writing course I took the producer was Elna Cain @ecainwrites. She is amazing. I was able to come up with so many ideas last night on how I would like to handle getting into Freelance Writing. 

Doing a website search, I discovered that creating a portfolio of your writing is important. In the beginning of my writing my family gave me many journal like materials. One of them was the book 1-minute writer. I have only done one of the activities, but I decided to use it and give this blog a bigger purpose. I am going to use the prompts that are provided within the book and write my response in my blog. This will allow me to practice writing, but also create a bigger meaning. I will continue to write about writing, reading, and getting published. I just feel as though this would be a smarter way of going doing my portfolio. 

I read an article yesterday that indicated an individual paid almost $40,000 in writing courses. Then he came up with the best solution to all of his needs. Just like that... magic isn't. Guess what... he is charging for his course as well. I am guessing what he did was putting everything he got in his learning, into one master course just to charge for it. Some how what he was offering was the magic trick and he knew it all. 

The 2023, Writers Guild strike ( the number 1 concern was getting better pay for their labor. The average income had decreased since a year before.  Roughly, five months later the organization was able to come to an agreement. The protest ended in favor of the 6,000 members and there is no indication that any writers left. The Writers Just Want to Write and of course be paid accordingly. 

If you have any further suggestions to how to turn this blog into a portfolio. I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading... 

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