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Monday, June 17, 2024

We Know What We Know...

 "We Know What We Know." I took this phrase from the book I am reading... "The Mystery Writer" by: Sulari Gentill. 
So far this novel has me hooked. I enjoy relating so much to the characters and the story content. 

 Looking through Pinterest, it is amazing how many advertisements and special links include ways to write. I have had to tell myself not to continue to scroll and read... The only way you can write is by actually doing it. There are several books out there that are very informational and helpful. I have read a couple. The one I found with useful information was by Stephan King, On Writing. I could learn more than I had when I first started writing. 

Writing has proven to be challenging. It is even harder to realize you want to do it for the rest of your life. The major question is... how do we get there? Everyone says you are never able to quit your full-time job for writing. If that is the case, I have applied for different writing opportunities, but they all come back the same... "we are sorry, but you do not have enough experience." I began to wonder. How many books does an individual need to write to have enough experience?  I thought after obtaining my Master's degree, in English/Education I would be golden. I know now, as I have, in the past learned that having different degrees still does not allow one to obtain their true positions. I have been debating on taking writing courses, however, it still goes to the main point of, taking these classes going to give me the experience that I need. I have my doubts. Hopefully, one day it will matter. I am hopeful. I write what I know... 

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