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Monday, June 24, 2024

Books, Books, and More Books

Have you ever walked into a library and noticed the particular smell that comes with it? It actually smells like mold and dust, but really it smells good. Well, it does to those that are book nerds. Lol 

Today, I decided went through most of my books. In the end, I delivered 9 boxes of books to my local second-hand bookstore. The funny thing is... that was just a dimple in the crazy amount of books I have. In total, it ended up being roughly 130 books gone. A long time ago, I wanted to own my own bookstore. The hardest part is the economy and electronics. Some people actually prefer to have their books on an e-reader. While on the other hand, some people like the ability to handle their books while reading. The bookstore never launched and I continued on my path with my education degree. Can't say for sure which was the worst decision as of yet. 

I have realized that since the quality of education is beginning to go downward, kids are from an entirely different generation than what they were when my kids went to school. Working in a public school system it is apparent that government funds only go so far. So, I continue down this path of writing in hopes that one day... someday... it will pay off. Lol, one can only hope right. We all want that easy way out of our current situation. My situation is easy, but still not my "dream." 

I often wonder if we grow up on the same path as our parents? It does not always mean that we take the same avenues in life, make the same decisions, and have the same interests, but are we hard-wired to have the same mindset? In some way, I think we do. I grew up saying that I never wanted to be like my parents. Never wanted to make the same choices, but oddly enough I have. Honestly, it kills me. Writing seems to be the way I escape from all that. I can put myself in a different situation altogether and hope for the best. Some days, it really works. Some days, like today... not so much. Knowing that a bookstore is not in my cards, writing has only given me clarity and freedom, but in the end... the job is still the job. When can we use writing as a means of a "job?" At what point are we able to say... I am a writer! This is what I do... etc.? Maybe some day... need to give it time. :-) 

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