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Saturday, September 23, 2023



Doing research for my upcoming book has been interesting. I had made the decision to start a "Diary" book, based on an important life event. The books I started to read have been based on a "diary" of sorts. It is interesting how many of these types of book are out there. The first one I read was a children's book. I got it free from work. It is called Dear Dumb Diary, Lets Pretend this Never Happened." This book is written by Jamie Kelly. The book is less than 100 pages. 

It was interesting to see the lives of Middle School kids in a book, actually reflect on today's society. However, I do think that some stories are a little far fetched. I did appreciate how the story maintained an interest piece. With each diary entry, the main character, maintained an interest piece that kept the reader wanting to read.  The pictures that accompany each diary entry also were an attention grabber. This book would be highly recommended for any girl in 5th grade, heading into Middle School. 

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