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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Write What you Know

 I read an article through a writing platform, that tells me that to be successful in what you do, you need to have an Internet Presence. I was shocked by this. It is so strange to me that the Internet has become the only means of publication/communication, that requires you to have a presence in the world. I have several different accounts, via social media, this blog, and a page for my novel. I am not the most interesting person in the world, but I have at least managed to create a pretty good profile online. However, I can't see myself posting something every day. To me -  that just seems like it is too much. But as they say, write what you know... So, here we go...

As of late, my recent WIP is based on an erotic thriller, a murder mystery novel. I am really taking my time with it because I want it to be something that people want to publish. I hear many nightmares about people/authors getting rejection letters and how much that stings. I have not received one, but I can only imagine what happens when it does come. Part of my story has a few hints of me in it. (ok, the entire main character) Isn't this what people are supposed to do? That is why they call it writing what you know. I watch enough Crime/thriller/horror movies to know enough about what this entails, so we will see what happens. 

Anyway, that is all for now. I hope there is someone out there reading this and feels/thinks the same way. 


Burning Desire

 1 - Minute Prompt:      We all have desires. What are yours? Create a piece where every sentence with the words "I Want." I want ...

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