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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unlikely Teachers

10 - Minute Prompt:

Not all teachers are alike. Some of them are - let's face it - duds. Think of a teacher, professor, or mentor who was a dud but ended up affecting your life in a positive way regardless. Was this a positive outcome because of this person or in spite of them? 

* It is interesting how I am writing out these prompts from a book, and Grammarly is trying to correct them* 

In college, I had a horrible professor. Well, let's face it, there were several awful teachers. However, this one in particular spoke in a tone that was very flat and he had zero sense of humor. The one thing that he seemed obsessed with was talking about sex and the acts of sex. Now, this course was about Greek Mythology, which my professor was obsessed with talking about "giving suck" all the time. Out of everything I learned, this was the one thing that always stuck with me. If anything it gives me a laugh as well. I was told he was no longer allowed to teach and was forced to retire. It has given me a profound look at Greek Mythology and provided me with the chance to truly understand it. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Survival Mode

 1 - Minute Prompt:

    Uh-oh. You're stranded in the wilderness without a phone, GPS device, or companion. Quickly choose an object in your environment that would be most useful to you in a survival situation. What is it about this object that makes it so important?

    The object I chose for this adventure would be the multi-function knife I carry most of the time. A knife would be the best to use. I would have the ability to cut objects in my environment to make a shelter. I can also use a knife to kill and skin animals to eat. If I needed to I could cut the smaller branches off the trees to create clothes to wear. Having a knife would be the most beneficial in this situation. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Living Proof

 1 - Minute Prompt:

    Ouch! Once upon a time, something unpleasant happened. It caused a physical scar on your body. Locate that scar and give it a good inspection. When finished, write about the scar's size, shape, texture, and quality. 

The scar on my right outer knee has been there since childhood. I was on my bike and fell. The fall caused me to have a scar. The scar is oval in shape, whiteish in color, about an inch and a half in length, and less than an inch in width. The scar is rough in texture. In the center it is still sensitive if I push on it hard. Otherwise it does not bother me. It never matches my tan body, if anything it makes it more white. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lost Feelings

 You came out like a storm

The clouds cleared the way

The sun appeared in its brightest form

I prayed you would stay

Your smile went on for a mile

You never failed to make me laugh

I loved having you near

Without you, I have many tears

I held your hand in your time of need

I wanted you to continue to succeed

You grew as a man

You will always have me as your biggest fan

I long for your embrace

Wanting to caress your face

Hold your hand in mine

Knowing that everything will be fine

Hear you say my name one more time

Not to would be a crime

I think of you every day

I wish you would come my way...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Random Notes

 How do you tell a man you are in love with him? 

I went to bed that night. I was so depressed. I decided I had had enough. I went to get my sleeping vitamins. Tonight I realized the biggest thing ever in my life. That I was so in love with him. That I did not care anymore about anything. I knew, I just knew it was I was in love with him. 

I went to bed angry. Angry he did not call, angry that no matter how hard I tried, he would always have the last word over me. The worst part is, that no matter what I still wanted to get up, put a smile on my face, and tell him. I tried to tell him about my dream. It makes me laugh even now as I write this. He will probably want to still argue with me. But I did not care. I am going to write this anyway.  


I feel so alone

There is no one to talk to

I have so much to say

No one will listen

I feel so alone

It is loud in my head

I crave attention

I crave touch

I have no one to tell

It is so loud in my head

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 5 - Minute Prompt: 

    Locate something nearby that has a soft texture. Then locate something soft within you. Write about these two kinds of softness, one physical and one more abstract. 

Locating something soft in my house is easy. I have two dogs and two ferrets. The softest one is my female dog, she is a German Shepherd. Her ears are the smoothest out there. The base of her ears is like moving my hands around inside a giant bag of delicate feathers. Laying your head down after a long day on amazingly soft pillows. 
The softness inside of me is for people. I have a big heart and care for people, more than I should. It is softness with struggling people who just need someone to talk to. I generally get too involved and end up hurt in the end. One would think that I would learn, but I do not. I have learned over the years to set boundaries and hold people accountable for their actions. 
I know these are two different ways of feeling and experiencing them. However, we need to learn to be careful and still be able to express our thoughts and feelings on the outside and inside. Hence the abstractness of this comparison. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Can you Gimmie a Hand with This?

 1 - Minute Prompt:

        * Look at the back of your hands. Notice the lines and wrinkles, the bony parts, and the fleshy parts perhaps even hardened calluses or missing fingers. Write a couple of detailed sentences that describe what you see. 

My left hand is dry and wrinkled. I have only one real fingernail on my thumb. I have battle scars from 41 years of being me.  I have recently noticed a faded bruise on the top of my hand. I often see my hand feel swollen. Currently, my hand is tanner than the usual white. All of my fingers are in place and depending on how I hold my hand I notice my fingers look webbed together at the base of my fingers. 


I am a bit behind on my posts. I am very sorry. My weekend started early last weekend and was busy from start to finish. It is not a bad way to spend the weekend, but it went too fast. For those of you who do not know I also create custom-made journals. They are similar to regular journals, but there is an added flair. 
This is a photo I took of my work in progress. I am hoping to get good enough to start doing this type of thing for my book covers. 


Unlikely Teachers

10 - Minute Prompt: Not all teachers are alike. Some of them are - let's face it - duds. Think of a teacher, professor, or mentor who wa...

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