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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Writers Want to Write pt.2

 Writers Want to Write pt.2

It occurred to me last night, while I was trying to sleep... (that is when the magic happens for writers) that I could make this post a blahh blahh complain... but the funny thing is... I am already on the road to gaining my experience in writing. The freelance writing course I took the producer was Elna Cain @ecainwrites. She is amazing. I was able to come up with so many ideas last night on how I would like to handle getting into Freelance Writing. 

Doing a website search, I discovered that creating a portfolio of your writing is important. In the beginning of my writing my family gave me many journal like materials. One of them was the book 1-minute writer. I have only done one of the activities, but I decided to use it and give this blog a bigger purpose. I am going to use the prompts that are provided within the book and write my response in my blog. This will allow me to practice writing, but also create a bigger meaning. I will continue to write about writing, reading, and getting published. I just feel as though this would be a smarter way of going doing my portfolio. 

I read an article yesterday that indicated an individual paid almost $40,000 in writing courses. Then he came up with the best solution to all of his needs. Just like that... magic isn't. Guess what... he is charging for his course as well. I am guessing what he did was putting everything he got in his learning, into one master course just to charge for it. Some how what he was offering was the magic trick and he knew it all. 

The 2023, Writers Guild strike ( the number 1 concern was getting better pay for their labor. The average income had decreased since a year before.  Roughly, five months later the organization was able to come to an agreement. The protest ended in favor of the 6,000 members and there is no indication that any writers left. The Writers Just Want to Write and of course be paid accordingly. 

If you have any further suggestions to how to turn this blog into a portfolio. I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading... 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Writers want to Write

 Writers want to Write... 

Trying to break into the writing business is like breaking into a chastity belt with a mangled hook. 

I just finished a "video" masterclass on Freelance Writing. The presenter provided some helpful suggestions on how she landed in Freelance writing. I did learn quite a bit with this, however here I sit... having no clue where to start. I often wonder if Imposter Syndrome is a real thing. Imposter syndrome is when an individual (i.e. ME) feels as though they are anxious, not able to feel internally that they are successful, aside from what the truth actually is. I know that I am a good writer. The problem with me is that I procrastonate, which is another large factor of imposter syndrome. 

When Googling Freelance Writer requirements I see that the following are the top picks. 
* Build a portfolio
* Good time management skills
* Basic SEO skills
* Ability to meet deadlines
* Blog Writing
* Excellent editing skills
* Several years of writing experience
* Excellent editing skills

Again, the several years of experience is interesting, because once again... How do you gain several years, when you are just starting out. I did just find that the college I attended does offer a writing group. I think I will contact them to see if Alumni can also attend. 

What are your experiences with Freelance work? Any tips and tricks? 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Books, Books, and More Books

Have you ever walked into a library and noticed the particular smell that comes with it? It actually smells like mold and dust, but really it smells good. Well, it does to those that are book nerds. Lol 

Today, I decided went through most of my books. In the end, I delivered 9 boxes of books to my local second-hand bookstore. The funny thing is... that was just a dimple in the crazy amount of books I have. In total, it ended up being roughly 130 books gone. A long time ago, I wanted to own my own bookstore. The hardest part is the economy and electronics. Some people actually prefer to have their books on an e-reader. While on the other hand, some people like the ability to handle their books while reading. The bookstore never launched and I continued on my path with my education degree. Can't say for sure which was the worst decision as of yet. 

I have realized that since the quality of education is beginning to go downward, kids are from an entirely different generation than what they were when my kids went to school. Working in a public school system it is apparent that government funds only go so far. So, I continue down this path of writing in hopes that one day... someday... it will pay off. Lol, one can only hope right. We all want that easy way out of our current situation. My situation is easy, but still not my "dream." 

I often wonder if we grow up on the same path as our parents? It does not always mean that we take the same avenues in life, make the same decisions, and have the same interests, but are we hard-wired to have the same mindset? In some way, I think we do. I grew up saying that I never wanted to be like my parents. Never wanted to make the same choices, but oddly enough I have. Honestly, it kills me. Writing seems to be the way I escape from all that. I can put myself in a different situation altogether and hope for the best. Some days, it really works. Some days, like today... not so much. Knowing that a bookstore is not in my cards, writing has only given me clarity and freedom, but in the end... the job is still the job. When can we use writing as a means of a "job?" At what point are we able to say... I am a writer! This is what I do... etc.? Maybe some day... need to give it time. :-) 

Monday, June 17, 2024

We Know What We Know...

 "We Know What We Know." I took this phrase from the book I am reading... "The Mystery Writer" by: Sulari Gentill. 
So far this novel has me hooked. I enjoy relating so much to the characters and the story content. 

 Looking through Pinterest, it is amazing how many advertisements and special links include ways to write. I have had to tell myself not to continue to scroll and read... The only way you can write is by actually doing it. There are several books out there that are very informational and helpful. I have read a couple. The one I found with useful information was by Stephan King, On Writing. I could learn more than I had when I first started writing. 

Writing has proven to be challenging. It is even harder to realize you want to do it for the rest of your life. The major question is... how do we get there? Everyone says you are never able to quit your full-time job for writing. If that is the case, I have applied for different writing opportunities, but they all come back the same... "we are sorry, but you do not have enough experience." I began to wonder. How many books does an individual need to write to have enough experience?  I thought after obtaining my Master's degree, in English/Education I would be golden. I know now, as I have, in the past learned that having different degrees still does not allow one to obtain their true positions. I have been debating on taking writing courses, however, it still goes to the main point of, taking these classes going to give me the experience that I need. I have my doubts. Hopefully, one day it will matter. I am hopeful. I write what I know... 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Do We Write Everyday?

 Do We Write Everyday? You Do If You Have A Cell Phone...

    To be a good writer, they say you must write daily! I wonder if they had the cell phone technology when they thought about this. We write when we text. We write when we use our cell phones for emails. We write when we comment on social media. We even write when we create our grocery list on our Notes App. 
    I would never have guessed that writing takes over a huge part of our lives. Some people say they "hate" writing, but I wonder if they knew that they do.  Through texting most of the grammar is used through an acronym(s). For the most part, this is okay. However, when writing academically, using acronyms is not ok. The best practice for utilizing acronyms in academic writing is to spell it out first, then introduce the acronym in later parts of the writing. 
    I believe that when I write acronyms definitely cross my mind. Having written in the academic world for several years, it is important to remember who your audience members are. I believe that this is the most important part when it comes to writing. If your audience does not want to read what you wrote, how do you expect to be successful!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Reading to be a Writer

 I feel like when I was in school. My teacher always told me we must read to become a good writer. I used to hate reading and everything that came with it. At that point, I did not care if I ever read or wrote again. I  from my believe this is from my nasty English teacher in school. I had never felt more singled out than I did with him. 

To this day, I still write and read. The hard part is with writing I have to refocus my mind. I was sitting here going through an online course. The course is all videos and requires me to write while doing so. I like these are the best. I have always been amazing at taking notes. 

So now here I sit. I wanted to watch these videos, but now all I want to do is read bad, but how am I supposed to get my pages done, if I want to read. It is mind over matter. I decided to get on my blog and write about it. I understand  I have not been the most consistent person but I try. 

I better get back to my video. I hope it helps. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Write What you Know

 I read an article through a writing platform, that tells me that to be successful in what you do, you need to have an Internet Presence. I was shocked by this. It is so strange to me that the Internet has become the only means of publication/communication, that requires you to have a presence in the world. I have several different accounts, via social media, this blog, and a page for my novel. I am not the most interesting person in the world, but I have at least managed to create a pretty good profile online. However, I can't see myself posting something every day. To me -  that just seems like it is too much. But as they say, write what you know... So, here we go...

As of late, my recent WIP is based on an erotic thriller, a murder mystery novel. I am really taking my time with it because I want it to be something that people want to publish. I hear many nightmares about people/authors getting rejection letters and how much that stings. I have not received one, but I can only imagine what happens when it does come. Part of my story has a few hints of me in it. (ok, the entire main character) Isn't this what people are supposed to do? That is why they call it writing what you know. I watch enough Crime/thriller/horror movies to know enough about what this entails, so we will see what happens. 

Anyway, that is all for now. I hope there is someone out there reading this and feels/thinks the same way. 


Writers Want to Write pt.2

 Writers Want to Write pt.2 It occurred to me last night, while I was trying to sleep... (that is when the magic happens for writers) that I...

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